Just because I'm quiet, doesn't mean I don't have anything to say. I judge people easily from my first impression. I'd rather wait forever for the perfect perfect guys than settled with anybody. I'm unpredictable. I try to be forgiving. I enjoy being unique. I'd rather look immature and have fun then care what other people think. sometimes I really confident, other times I feel very insecure. My friends mean everything to me. I envy people who can fit in so easily without even trying. I'm opinionated and stubborn. But I'm loyal, sincere and caring. I always try to see the best in you, even if you annoy me. I hate when people make me feel guilty to get their way.

Tuesday, January 21

It's not easy.

It's been a long time since my last post. Tak taulah nak kata sibuk sangat pun tak jugak. Dah naik semester 3. Cepat sangat masa berlalu. Rasa macam baru je daftar untuk program Asasi. Masa yang dah pergi takkan berulang lagi. Hargai setiap masa yang ada dalam hidup supaya tak menyesal kemudian hari. Yeah, self reminder. Naik sem baru ni mula mula bosan la sikit. Ala seminggu pertama je lepas ni sibuk la pulak dengan esaimen bagai la. Amali lagi hmm semoga berjaya la para Asper sekalian kekeke^^ But honestly, I don't know why my  heart feels a bit sad to get through this year. If like this, how I'm going to survive for this whole year? Rasa macam berat je hati nak lalui tahun ni. I wonder why? Apapun jangan lupa kewajipan yang perlu dilakukan. Kejar dunia biar seiring dengan akhirat. Wahai hati, silalah tabah untuk menghadapi pelbagai cabaran yang bakal datang.